There's no life back anymore. There's no heart. There's no desire. There's no dream, there's no ideal. There's no life back anymore. Impotent rage is all there is misdirected at every stage. Doctors won't make you feel better. Take your medicine before they decide to change it. Underestimate every single thing because they who play god, calls the shots.
Meditative music cures the buyer's lifetime remorse. Create an ambience that fuels a secret shelter. But this isn't definitive and it shouldn't really last as such. Forever moving the goalposts in an effort to save their skin but not yours. It doesn't matter if you try to talk about it, your words will be easily manipulated. After all you can't even be sure of yourself so why should they be sure that what you is true? Pure pressure cooker policy - it works like a charm!
When this reign of tormentors end, when the shoe's on the other foot, how will they respond? And what satisfaction will you have in witnessing via third-hand accounts?
At least when you die you can be ashes to ashes, dust to dust....