Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Suburban Dreamer

Only here in time, countless reflections and misspent dreams. Falling away from within. The time is lost spent like a 5 year old in the company of others. Everybody else adores the learning of a third or fourth language. But what language do I speak, if privately in my separate life. Divorced from living reality. A self contained figure dreaming of somewhere new. It's no longer here nor there.

Fleeing to be the suburban dreamer. Taking the aeroplane to ease the pain of modern living. Geographical locations. A forced renovation that jars with public life. Piano player, where are you now? Starry eyed with the mists of ten thousand dreams aligned with the power of a bygone era. When I sleep, I sleep alone, even when I'm beside you.

Living on the folklore tales of the past. Love as a substitute for something else in the age of depression. Whatever else goes on, I can never tell.