You may know it all in the scene. The familiar drain that washes over your skin. I wondered why I live in dread when I feel as though I'm harassed at every turn. The mental disintegration was perfect. I could've cried like a child. You knew my weakness and exploited it after every loss.
Financial gain - it's always the same. Do we need to live in pain? The pills punch and kick. How come I missed a trick or two knowing you'd hide all there is.
Haunted by flashbacks. 20 years of horrors. A controlling interest and a silly little boy who's ruined your projections. The mental disintegration was perfect. I could've died as I dialled. I lived in bahnhofs and dined on cheap chicken and pasta.
Where journeys go on pure voices if projections are to be believed. The time was spent - did you receive or deceive? Years alone and nestle through forests, woodlands and chimes. Remembrance is cruel but the torment is insatiable. You created replicas to dine on the feast of bad blood. Pretty soon I'll be bloodless but that's another story for another day.
Wasting time, wasting money, wasting away in conflicts of the past. Broken shards that splinter in secrecy. The mental disintegration was perfect as always. You knew my weakness and exploited it at all cost.
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