Follow into the echo chamber. Follow into the endless desire of a broken mind. Walking barefoot on glass splinters. The remedies we seek on further inspection. Lies, blame and deflection are the name of the game. I want to drown out her rampant paranoia or I wish that she would drown. I know it's not very polite but she drains the living daylights out of me.
Glass half empty, glass half full - what difference does it make which side you see it from. Throwing away half your history because of a fundamental misunderstanding. We could tell you everything and you'd still revert to your own superstitious intuition. I could make a guess but I can't sleep right now. Listen to the music and drown me out.
Cloistered in my own hermitic seal, the torment of living at the whim of others. What could we learn? What could happen if we were to be inside in another part of the world with something to live for. Here I just feel like I'm death reheated many times a day. Arguing over useless self-help manuals who wish to take 5 minutes of your life advertising useless junk.
Give her asylum so that she can live without draining the lives of everyone she meets. A paranoid energy vampire divulging too many plain secrets of madness to anyone who'll listen. Combine with cabin fever and she'll implode. Too much information on sordid details of her life living like the perpetual teenager. It gives you everything you never needed at all.
Drown in the sea of sound, of memory or of the distant past. The choice is anyone's yet I have the been defeated by the ghosts of anxiety and tension. I wish it all could just disappear even if I'm only ever going to feel disappointed that there was nothing to stop us at all. Nothing that could numb the pain.
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