Sunday, October 3, 2021

Impersonal Response

Frequence and destruction. The damage is complete. The resources are endless from the trails of human reproduce. Shadows of light become a source of paranoia. Pain seeping into the eyes. Photophobic realities.

Impersonal response, the dream lingers on. You're my nightmare.

I can still recall memories with pinpoint accuracy. A micromanaged shell of human hostility. Cult developments on dehumanised platforms. Your health is my money and time's not worth wasting if it can be economised.

Impersonal response, the dream lingers on. You're my nightmare.

Spirulina tea with red fennel and ginseng supplements. Carbon footprints that would shame environmentalists. If he's ineffective, play the jilted lover and abuse him with out-of-hours texts describing all he did wrong.

Impersonal response, the dream lingers on. You're my nightmare. A nightmare that lingers on in my damaged state.

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