Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It only cuts deeper, the closer we become. I study reactions and I become immersed in your thoughts. Or what are our thoughts. Lingering feelings always make me uneasy. The only time I'm happy is when we're together alone and when no one's watching. Always get the feeling that I need you. I can taste the tears when we kiss. It keeps getting harder when we say goodbye.

Back on the walls from teenage dreams. The need to change becomes more urgent with passing time. If only I could feel normal again. The way I do when I'm with you. Now with every moment i wish i could hold you

The pain grows. Cuts deeper. Cuts inside my whole defences. When the light goes out at night, the pain controls my body. Takes over the system. Draining my defences. Only waiting for the moment that I wake again. Where I wake without you. Without your touch to get me through the day.

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