Sunday, July 19, 2015

Secret Stages

Lying in the secret stages of a new light. A secret bond beneath the memories of last year. It's everybody and nobody. Like pretty much everything, there's no secrets anymore. There's no hope, there's no fear. I look away in the hope that something new will appear. A list of love, longings and despair. The disparate dreams of a bruised ego broken into the summing up of lifeless decay.

Your placement slices erotic motions in private reels. A dream may come alive but I'm feeling old and I don't know how to move on. A new destination would've helped because it's a secret that will be spent rejuvenating the tiredness that seeps into the fragmented life I've got living away inside. Every motion I speak of, kills the chance of that secret conversation we speak of. I wither and dither. To leak out in whispers in silent suffering.

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